For effective neurorehabilitation and comprehensive neurological physical therapy, patients requiring neurological rehabilitation in Eagle and Summit County rely on Vail-Summit Physical Therapy.
Patients ask, “what is neurological rehabilitation?” Vail-Summit Physical Therapy neurorehabilitation specialists work with patients with injuries or nervous system conditions. Our expert team of neurological rehabilitation specialists treats patients to improve overall well-being and restore mobility.
When Do I Need Neurological Rehabilitation?
Our active mountain community may experience a fall or sports injury affecting the nervous system. Other conditions affecting nerve function include:
Alzheimer’s disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Bell’s palsy
Brain injury
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Huntington’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Spinal cord injury
Neurological rehabilitation patients present with a broad range of needs. Our neurorehabilitation specialists at Vail-Summit Physical Therapy design individualized treatment plans with the unifying purpose of patient empowerment. Neurological physical therapy provides the tools for patients to acquire long-term improvements utilizing three modalities:
Wellness - Recognizing physical, emotional, social, and quality of life aspects
Educational - Providing a comprehensive understanding of how their body works and what can be achieved.
Progressive - Delivering an evolving course of physical therapy movements and exercises that enhance performance, mobility, wellness, and quality of life
Neurorehabilitation provides individualized treatment plans to address all three modalities for patients.
Wellness: Quality of life neurological physical therapy scope
Daily living - hygiene, bathing, dressing, food preparation, and housekeeping
Social-speech therapy, reading and writing adaptations, activities, interactive and behavior support, and community partnerships
Emotional-mood management, and attention-memory-judgment exercises
Educational - physical therapy strategies
Movement and exercise treatment plan to build strength, stamina, range of motion, and ease of movement
Activities to increase mobility, balance, gait, and muscle control
Nutrition education
Proper use of assistive and independent living devices
Pain management
Progressive - Evolving treatment scope
Independent living tracking and support
Safety in the home assessments
Vocational training
Counseling support
Professional Neurological Rehabilitation Near Me
Neurorehabilitation is our passion at Vail-Summit Physical Therapy. Our highly trained neurological physical therapy specialists connect with our unique community of neurological care patients and commit to the journey of patient empowerment.
Contact Vail-Summit Physical Therapy to schedule your consultation.